c05pbc | Solution of a system of nonlinear equations (using first derivatives) |
c05ubc | Solution of a system of nonlinear equations (using first derivatives), thread-safe |
e02agc | Least-squares polynomial fit, values and derivatives may be constrained, arbitrary data points |
e02bcc | Evaluation of fitted cubic spline, function and derivatives |
e04bbc | Minimizes a function of one variable, requires first derivatives |
e04fcc | Unconstrained nonlinear least squares (no derivatives required) |
e04gbc | Unconstrained nonlinear least squares (first derivatives required) |
e04hdc | Checks second derivatives of a user-defined function |
e04jbc | Bound constrained nonlinear minimization (no derivatives required) |
e04kbc | Bound constrained nonlinear minimization (first derivatives required) |
e04lbc | Solves bound constrained problems (first and second derivatives required) |
g02hlc | Calculates a robust estimation of a correlation matrix, user-supplied weight function plus derivatives |
s14adc | Scaled derivatives of ψ (x) |